+ [5 years ago] OnkelTem Guys do you know which options do I have to organize repositories in one project?
+ [5 years ago] OnkelTem For example, on bitbucket.org I use "Project" to group repositories
+ [5 years ago] OnkelTem Can I have the same on github?
+ [5 years ago] nedbat OnkelTem: afaik, github doesn't have a way to group repos together
+ [5 years ago] jhass well, can always create many organizations...

message no. 175615

Posted by jim in #github at 2019-11-02T06:49:09Z

argh. how would I add an ssh key to my github acct?
+ [5 years ago] sloppyjo Is it possible to somehow move my git commits when I upload a local git repository to github?
+ [5 years ago] sloppyjo Or does that happen automatically/ doesn't happen/ can't happen
+ [5 years ago] b1tninja by default git has the full repo