+ [2019-11-14T18:20:24Z] R2robot share you repo/link
+ [2019-11-14T18:20:33Z] R2robot your*
+ [2019-11-14T18:55:19Z] sparr R2robot: I've found a few, but none that integrate with github. Most of them will just send me an email.
+ [2019-11-14T18:57:53Z] R2robot well github has an api.. you can probably script it fairly easily based on the out put of a link checker
+ [2019-11-14T18:59:42Z] R2robot https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/#create-an-issue

message no. 175804

Posted by tona in #github at 2019-11-14T16:31:58Z

hello everyone :)
+ [2019-11-15T02:52:41Z] k_sze Does anybody know what's the best way to add a comment about certain lines of code, but without necessarily creating an issue ticket on github?
+ [2019-11-15T02:55:32Z] k_sze The comment is not to explain what those lines of code are doing, but more like code review comments. E.g. I'm reviewing some code that's already in the master branch. The code never went through a PR process because I only recently joined as a team lead. I want to make some comments about how the code can be improved.
+ [2019-11-15T04:22:41Z] R2robot why not implement the improvements yourself and then submit a pr
+ [2019-11-15T06:01:33Z] marz_d`ghostman How do I push to GitHub using my ssh key file?
+ [2019-11-15T16:51:49Z] lmat I'm having trouble with my SSH keys. I generated a new key (not id_rsa) and uploaded the public key to github settings. It looks good. Now I have a repository that shows git remote -v; as git@github.com:org/proj.git; When I git fetch --all; I get "ERROR: Repository not found."