+[2019-11-26T16:13:06Z]probsHi, is there a way to install cmake in gitbash? +[2019-11-26T16:16:15Z]probsI'm seeing if you want to use it in the command line, you download it and copy the path of the bin folder it has to an environment variable +[2019-11-26T21:06:39Z]wondiwsCan you make a repository private on github? +[2019-11-26T21:10:37Z]klinewondiws, https://help.github.com/en/github/administering-a-repository/setting-repository-visibility#making-a-repository-private +[2019-11-26T21:12:50Z]wondiwskline, thanks
message no. 176142
Posted by probs in #github at 2019-11-26T16:16:15Z
I'm seeing if you want to use it in the command line, you download it and copy the path of the bin folder it has to an environment variable
+[2019-11-27T09:50:41Z]nuc13ushey i have used this api(curl -i https://api.github.com/orgs/google\?access_token\=XXXX) to get public repositories count +[2019-11-27T09:50:41Z]nuc13uswhich says +[2019-11-27T09:50:41Z]nuc13us"has_organization_projects": true, +[2019-11-27T09:50:41Z]nuc13us "has_repository_projects": true, +[2019-11-27T09:50:41Z]nuc13us "public_repos": 1632,