+[2019-12-03T02:51:28Z]nedbatOnkelTem: and also, what would it mean if it were? +[2019-12-03T03:22:30Z]nateOnkelTem: Considering all the private repos, probably not +[2019-12-03T03:23:06Z]nateOr at minimum even factoring them it would probably skew results a lot for people who setup repos for future plans but don't end up doing anything with it +[2019-12-03T11:11:39Z]noob_on_railsHi all :) , when creating a PR from development to staging, what should i write in the description, since I'm pretty descriptive on the other PRs _to_ development +[2019-12-03T23:38:57Z]obfuscodeIs this the place to whine about API difficulties with the hope someone smarter than I can shed light on what I'm doing wrong?
+[2019-12-04T00:25:36Z]R2roboti mean, you can just ask a question instead of whining about it :P +[2019-12-04T00:29:13Z]obfuscodeWell I'm going down a rabbit hole trying to get my GitHub App to submit API requests to the GraphQL endpoint. I can submit it to the `api.github.com/app` and return data properly so I know my JWT is validating but pointing it to the `/graphql` just comes back as Bad Credentials. The GraphQL/v4 docs say it requires an OAuth token but I'm using a GitHub App JWT token. There's a blog post from Apr 30th saying they added Gr +[2019-12-04T00:29:13Z]obfuscodeaphQL API support to GitHub Apps but I can't find any info on what needs to change or what I'm doing wrong +[2019-12-04T00:31:25Z]obfuscodeSearching anything ABOUT GitHub is hard due to the fact that all the results just are about things ON GitHub and people seem to be pretty lackadaisical about mixing up "GitHub App" with "GitHub OAuth App" +[2019-12-04T09:42:23Z]plundraGit-related question; I'd like to move a subfolder in a repo to a new repo, and would like to preserve the commits (author + message) for things related to that folder.