latest 6 messages by plundra

+ [2019-12-04T10:32:18Z] plundra So thank you both!
+ [2019-12-04T10:32:15Z] plundra Ok, filter-branch seems to work, not done yet but got a branch with a clean tree from my subdirectory.
+ [2019-12-04T10:16:16Z] plundra Cool! Will have a look, thanks
+ [2019-12-04T09:45:51Z] plundra It'st just, we'd like to have the history visible in the new repo (before pushing to github)
+ [2019-12-04T09:45:31Z] plundra Is that doable? And of course getting new hashes and being incorrect to an extent.
+ [2019-12-04T09:42:23Z] plundra Git-related question; I'd like to move a subfolder in a repo to a new repo, and would like to preserve the commits (author + message) for things related to that folder.