+ [2020-03-07T12:19:40Z] BtbN Sounds A LOT harder to navigate
+ [2020-03-07T19:32:20Z] koala_man I can easily put binary builds on Releases, but is there an obvious place to upload nightly builds?
+ [2020-03-07T19:52:32Z] nedbat koala_man: where would you put the builds if your source code weren't on github?
+ [2020-03-07T19:53:10Z] koala_man I currently put them in a Google Cloud Storage bucket
+ [2020-03-07T20:22:40Z] nedbat koala_man: why not leave them there?

message no. 177585

Posted by very_sneaky in #github at 2020-03-07T11:56:29Z

nedbat: i'm trying to implement a CI/CD pipeline for my blog posts, and so atm I have a repository for each post. I'd prefer to be able to name the content something with more semantic meaning than README.md
+ [2020-03-08T00:00:07Z] koala_man nedbat: there's too many downloads now
+ [2020-03-08T03:01:05Z] nedbat koala_man: i don't know what that means.
+ [2020-03-08T04:43:35Z] koala_man nedbat: no problem
+ [2020-03-08T09:50:26Z] Industrial Hello. I have just generated a GPG key (first time) for signing commits, added it to git, made a commit and pushed it. What is the correct / a good way to backup this GPG key so I can restore it later or use it from another location?
+ [2020-03-08T09:53:55Z] Industrial oh, gpg --export-secret-keys