latest 8 messages by very_sneaky

+ [2020-03-07T12:01:23Z] very_sneaky I'll have a think about it. I also liked the idea of the post coming up when you open the repo though - am i correct in assuming there isn't a way to get a file not named to display automatically?
+ [2020-03-07T12:00:04Z] very_sneaky though perhaps there would be some benefit to having one large repo; would mean only configuring the CI/CD once, and I could put the creation logic into a bash script or something
+ [2020-03-07T11:58:19Z] very_sneaky they can i guess, just perhaps easier to navigate for someone new
+ [2020-03-07T11:57:38Z] very_sneaky well, part of the reason i did it that way was to allow readers to submit issues/pull requests
+ [2020-03-07T11:57:20Z] very_sneaky the only markdown file in the repo will be the post, but also accompanied by an img folder and the ci conf file
+ [2020-03-07T11:56:29Z] very_sneaky nedbat: i'm trying to implement a CI/CD pipeline for my blog posts, and so atm I have a repository for each post. I'd prefer to be able to name the content something with more semantic meaning than
+ [2020-03-07T04:32:07Z] very_sneaky like,, for example
+ [2020-03-07T04:31:35Z] very_sneaky hi all, is there a way to have a file named something other than display automatically when navigating to a repo?