+ [2020-03-08T14:51:17Z] roboirc repo = repository
+ [2020-03-08T14:51:21Z] roboirc nvm :D
+ [2020-03-08T14:56:57Z] peepsalot it was just the repo name in this case. but i thought i remembered trying direct name like that in the past for other .io pages and it not working. don't have any example right now
+ [2020-03-08T15:08:37Z] peepsalot Anyways, i still think it would be helpful to include a button at the top "View as Pages" or similar if a repo is being served by github io

message no. 177608

Posted by roboirc in #github at 2020-03-08T14:51:18Z

+ [2020-03-09T10:55:04Z] birkoff i'm not getting all of a repo's forks via the API compared to the forks page
+ [2020-03-09T10:57:18Z] birkoff this happens with various repos
+ [2020-03-09T15:11:49Z] eggbean I have an accidental commit/push in the remote repository on github. Is there any way of deleting it and making another commit/push as though it never happened?
+ [2020-03-09T16:18:15Z] Stummi eggbean, if you own the repo, git push -f is your "friend"
+ [2020-03-09T16:18:33Z] eggbean Stummi: Thanks, just been reading about that