+[2020-03-14T15:57:00Z]roboircyes git pull to pull them, git fetch to see them first +[2020-03-14T15:57:09Z]AnarchosThis branch is 3533 commits behind haiku:master. +[2020-03-14T15:57:31Z]Anarchosroboirc i mean to update my githhub.com repo +[2020-03-14T15:59:45Z]roboircAnarchos: https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/syncing-a-fork +[2020-03-14T16:00:17Z]Anarchosroboirc thanks
is it possible to authentic pushes to github using an ssh key rather than an API key
+[2020-03-15T00:10:26Z]rosco_yI'd like to revert my code base to a previous commit--do I use "git reset <hash identifier> to do this? +[2020-03-15T00:13:38Z]rosco_yor as this article recommends, just use git checkout <desired hash> +[2020-03-15T00:13:41Z]rosco_yhttps://code.likeagirl.io/how-to-undo-the-last-commit-393e7db2840b +[2020-03-15T01:48:01Z]R2roboti'd make a backup and just try one or the other.. or both. :P +[2020-03-15T06:40:27Z]emfippis https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency accessible?