+ [2020-03-27T19:39:17Z] eggbean R2robot: No, I didn't. No mention in the Inbox either
+ [2020-03-27T19:40:01Z] R2robot i thought emails were only for replies to issues
+ [2020-03-27T19:40:06Z] eggbean And only a fork was mentioned in the feed, which made me realise there was a pull request from the same person and an issue from weeks ago
+ [2020-03-27T19:40:28Z] eggbean ..by another person

message no. 178638

Posted by visualshock in #github at 2020-03-27T11:28:57Z

Hi guys! I am trying to get started with Actions. I have a server which I want to deploy the master branch to on push. What is the recommended way to do this? Add the ssh key and secret and just transfer the files?
+ [2020-03-28T15:23:52Z] nifker How do I install ubuntu CI dependencies on github?
+ [2020-03-28T15:24:10Z] nifker xkbcommon is the package I need
+ [2020-03-28T16:12:32Z] R2robot probably a better question for a ubuntu channel, nifker
+ [2020-03-28T16:18:38Z] nifker R2robot: I know what I need to install, but where do I install them in the CI?
+ [2020-03-28T16:18:56Z] nifker or at least access the shell for the CI