latest 16 messages by visualshock

+ [2020-03-27T11:28:57Z] visualshock Hi guys! I am trying to get started with Actions. I have a server which I want to deploy the master branch to on push. What is the recommended way to do this? Add the ssh key and secret and just transfer the files?
+ [2016-07-04T13:40:12Z] visualshock ok nice. I pushed it and it looks good
+ [2016-07-04T13:38:30Z] visualshock after fixing the merge conflict?
+ [2016-07-04T13:38:22Z] visualshock do I need to merge again?
+ [2016-07-04T13:38:09Z] visualshock I did the merge but got a merge conflict. I fixed it and commited it
+ [2016-07-04T13:33:41Z] visualshock I have two branches (master and server) and I want to merge them so everything is up to date in master. Do I need to checkout server and then merge it to master, or opposite?
+ [2016-06-22T21:29:29Z] visualshock I have added contributors to my github repo, and when they push something it appears under "pull requests" right?
+ [2015-11-03T21:29:51Z] visualshock So I just wonder where someone got the info about me
+ [2015-11-03T21:29:17Z] visualshock I know. The reason I react is that my email is never used, and the email I got contained my username at github.
+ [2015-11-03T21:25:50Z] visualshock Links in the email goes to
+ [2015-11-03T21:23:32Z] visualshock Seveas, I did not commit with my email
+ [2015-11-03T21:22:07Z] visualshock Ok, I just got an email about AWS joining github student pack, but it looks shady and gets marked as scam.
+ [2015-11-03T21:18:09Z] visualshock hi. When I make pull request to a repo, can the owners of the repo see my email?