+[2020-04-07T23:52:39Z]drleviathanoh btw mazula, I think I read somewhere: each run of the step has a different shell process, so environment variables don't persist from one run to the next +[2020-04-07T23:53:44Z]drleviathanif you want the NPM_TOKEN environment variable to work for ALL runs in that step then add it as an env higher up. +[2020-04-07T23:54:45Z]drleviathaner... from one step to the next +[2020-04-07T23:59:15Z]drleviathanI'm not 100% certain. You could test with a "echo $NPM_TOKEN | md5sum" in the docker run to see if you get the right hash +[2020-04-07T23:59:58Z]mazulaI created the .npmrc at the root of my . projet directly, now I need to find how I can pass the variable
+[2020-04-08T00:00:12Z]mazulaI have //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN} in the .npmrc file +[2020-04-08T00:00:49Z]mazulawith https://gist.github.com/minas-tirith/835ea39609ce9377008923ebfe87ab1e#file-app-yml-L28 +[2020-04-08T00:03:47Z]drleviathanso... try this: move the env section up to be part of the whole job, not just for the step +[2020-04-08T00:04:02Z]drleviathanjobs.build.env +[2020-04-08T00:04:30Z]mazulalike that? https://gist.github.com/minas-tirith/835ea39609ce9377008923ebfe87ab1e#file-app-yml-L19