latest 20 messages by mazula

+ [2020-04-08T23:29:47Z] mazula Get things from one computer to another, safely ?
+ [2020-04-08T23:24:04Z] mazula gist github then delete the gist?
+ [2020-04-08T23:07:45Z] mazula ok thank you :)
+ [2020-04-08T23:04:16Z] mazula :)
+ [2020-04-08T22:54:42Z] mazula Hi any example of tests run inside a docker image with github action?
+ [2020-04-08T00:34:06Z] mazula I will try tomorrow, time to bed, drleviathan thank you for your help :)
+ [2020-04-08T00:26:12Z] mazula
+ [2020-04-08T00:25:56Z] mazula hmm no
+ [2020-04-08T00:18:15Z] mazula
+ [2020-04-08T00:18:14Z] mazula do you know how I can "interract" with the docker image ? my image is builded and I need to lint and test the result
+ [2020-04-08T00:15:24Z] mazula ohhh yes it works I deleted the .npmrc after the make deps :-)
+ [2020-04-08T00:06:44Z] mazula echo $NPM_TOKEN and docker build --build-arg NPM_TOKEN=$NPM_TOKEN
+ [2020-04-08T00:06:39Z] mazula I tried
+ [2020-04-08T00:06:19Z] mazula seems to works but now the build fail because... the variable is not passed into the docker build
+ [2020-04-08T00:05:50Z] mazula because I created directly the .npmrc inside my project at the root
+ [2020-04-08T00:05:35Z] mazula I deleted the step
+ [2020-04-08T00:04:30Z] mazula like that?
+ [2020-04-08T00:00:49Z] mazula with
+ [2020-04-08T00:00:12Z] mazula I have //${NPM_TOKEN} in the .npmrc file
+ [2020-04-07T23:59:58Z] mazula I created the .npmrc at the root of my . projet directly, now I need to find how I can pass the variable