+ [2020-05-18T23:58:03Z] huayra to download this prpltwtr by mikeage
+ [2020-05-18T23:58:40Z] huayra but I'm interested in being a usefull member too
+ [2020-05-18T23:59:03Z] huayra as I already wrote above
+ [2020-05-18T23:59:22Z] nedbat huayra: if you could give us a link to the page on GitHub, we might be able to help.
+ [2020-05-18T23:59:46Z] huayra prpltwtr is a twitter protocol for pidgin

message no. 180607

Posted by jhass in #github at 2020-05-18T09:39:01Z

I don't think so
+ [2020-05-19T00:00:38Z] huayra do you mean this https://github.com/mikeage/prpltwtr?
+ [2020-05-19T00:01:10Z] nedbat huayra: yes, thanks.
+ [2020-05-19T00:01:32Z] nedbat huayra: did you see this? "Update: in light of twitter's decision to discourage / forbid new clients, I'm not sure how much more development will be done."
+ [2020-05-19T00:01:52Z] nedbat huayra: the last commit was more than 5 years ago
+ [2020-05-19T00:06:36Z] huayra nedbat I didn't see that but If I were i'm not sure to understand This means that twitter may forbide to use it?