+[2019-11-04T20:07:37Z]ilbelkyrTheChiefMeat: you'll need to talk to the ops – for ##chat, that'd be ##chat-ops :) +[2020-05-18T19:29:07Z]Fuchsaphirst: you'd need to contact ops of that channel, not ops in here +[2020-05-18T19:29:13Z]Fuchsyep :) +[2020-05-18T19:30:45Z]Fuchsno worries at all +[2020-05-18T19:30:52Z]Fuchsgood luck, and glad to hear you got the issues sorted
aphirst: you'd need to contact ops of that channel, not ops in here
+[2020-10-01T16:45:28Z]lagboxiekfkk, did you check the topic for this room? hint hint +[2020-10-01T17:30:37Z]lagboxapparently it wasn't at some time, you were banned and the redirect is sending you here +[2020-10-01T17:30:57Z]lagboxwho ever did the ban had to specifically add that redirect +[2020-10-01T17:31:14Z]lagboxyou are probably connecting and disconnecting too often so the operator banned you for it +[2020-10-01T17:31:43Z]lagboxokay