+[2020-05-27T18:43:14Z]Intelo(till date) +[2020-05-27T18:44:31Z]Intelowaits +[2020-05-27T18:49:12Z]nedbatIntelo: i don't know if they announced it. +[2020-05-27T19:14:09Z]nedbatIntelo: why did you say, "waits" ? +[2020-05-27T23:06:32Z]peepsalothello, is there any way to fast-forward my fork of a project to be in sync with upstream, directly through github web interface? i don't have any changes on master, only "behind" by some commits
I cannot jump to definition in javascript based PR. What can I do
+[2020-05-28T02:25:49Z]j9Need help please: I am using Visual Studio Code on a Mac and when I push I get remote: permission to (repo name) denied to (name)... error 403 +[2020-05-28T02:25:59Z]j9I can push pull from GitHub Desk without issues +[2020-05-28T02:26:14Z]j9I think this is a VSC config issue +[2020-05-28T02:26:59Z]j9Any help is appreciated thank you... +[2020-05-28T12:24:40Z]mark4im trying to do some stuff on my work github and a coworker has given me some screenshots of whare to go - he has clicked on his 'code' tab and under this he has some sub tabs that I do not have