latest 20 messages by mark4

+ [2020-05-31T16:31:42Z] mark4 now i literally have to go to google and type github search in order to find the damned page on that lets me search githnub
+ [2020-05-31T16:31:23Z] mark4 ok so why is it i have to search for the serch field on gitnub now? it alwauys just to just be there
+ [2020-05-31T15:28:04Z] mark4 and ya ill def watch that youtube
+ [2020-05-31T15:27:56Z] mark4 so.. im now on a pristine copy of origin/develop if i do git checkout -b feature/xxxxx the xxxx feature will be based on whats in develop?
+ [2020-05-31T15:25:26Z] mark4 but
+ [2020-05-31T15:25:24Z] mark4 so how im on that branch is literally a mystery to me.. byt i am
+ [2020-05-31T15:25:09Z] mark4 i can assure you i have severe allergic reaction to origin/develop, under no circumstances do i ever check that out
+ [2020-05-31T15:24:15Z] mark4 but it was not just me firing those shots, someone else was shooting me in the foot too
+ [2020-05-31T15:23:54Z] mark4 and obviously, somehow, thats exactly what i did
+ [2020-05-31T15:23:37Z] mark4 and its really really REALLY easy to shoot yourself in the foot with it
+ [2020-05-31T15:23:24Z] mark4 git is really powerful but its highly highly complex :(
+ [2020-05-31T15:23:07Z] mark4 the more i underestand git the less i have to come in here lol
+ [2020-05-31T15:22:43Z] mark4 but i did already say that none of the edits and none of the commits are to be retained - understanding the tool is important but i just needed to drive the screw in
+ [2020-05-31T15:21:52Z] mark4 a hammer is not a suitible substitute for a screw driver
+ [2020-05-31T15:21:40Z] mark4 its a tool - if you dont understand it you cant use it. AGREED
+ [2020-05-31T15:21:04Z] mark4 but ty - i think this did what i need. i know i screwed up somewhere but the screw up was doing what i was told to do and someone else screwing things up
+ [2020-05-31T15:19:52Z] mark4 it is because im on the wrong branch and have edits and commits
+ [2020-05-31T15:19:18Z] mark4 git reset --hard origin/develop <--?
+ [2020-05-31T15:18:10Z] mark4 i asked for a spark plug and you gave me a whole car lol
+ [2020-05-31T15:16:33Z] mark4 understood but i am in PANIC MODE here - all i need to do is blow away my local develop. 100% blown away and i still dont know if what you said above accomplishes that :(