+ [2020-06-06T23:31:20Z] nedbat MR-D05: right, and from hotfix branches.
+ [2020-06-06T23:32:19Z] MR-D05 also auto merge to feature branches upon commits to develop
+ [2020-06-06T23:38:06Z] nedbat MR-D05: wait, that sounds really wrong
+ [2020-06-06T23:38:41Z] nedbat MR-D05: what feature branches would get the commits, and why? they should be short-lived, and merged into develop.
+ [2020-06-06T23:38:59Z] nedbat MR-D05: (btw, it will be easier to keep track of this conversation if you use my nick)

message no. 181833

Posted by ikwyl6 in #github at 2020-06-06T16:22:54Z

Hi all - I created a python script that shows you the upstream forks of a project and if those forks are different than the upstream repo: https://github.com/ikwyl6/git-diff-forks
+ [2020-06-07T10:38:25Z] kkoomen Hi. How can I show "used by" in my repository? To show myself and others how many projects use my npm package?
+ [2020-06-07T12:44:04Z] BtbN Can I write a Github-Action that does not run in docker, but is not NodeJS?
+ [2020-06-07T12:51:53Z] BtbN As in, please just let me write an action that's a shell script.
+ [2020-06-07T12:52:01Z] BtbN bash seems to be available on all runners
+ [2020-06-07T12:52:15Z] BtbN And writing a JavaScript-Action that wraps a shell script seems silly.