latest 4 messages by ikwyl6

+ [2020-06-06T16:37:58Z] ikwyl6 oprypin: don't think functionality is there on website and if there are a lot of forks and the upstream isn't being worked on, but forks are, you can easily see the newer ones...
+ [2020-06-06T16:22:54Z] ikwyl6 Hi all - I created a python script that shows you the upstream forks of a project and if those forks are different than the upstream repo:
+ [2019-10-28T03:27:47Z] ikwyl6 or is that just preference? I'm looking more for 'best coding practice' that would tell me this way or otherwise..
+ [2019-10-28T03:27:01Z] ikwyl6 not sure the correct place, but here we go: If I have a cloned repo (my own) and I want to have a 'working copy' file that I'm using and there's also the 'master' copy on github. Is it useful to have my working copy file in the same git dir as the master on my local machine? Or should I create a separate 'working copy' folder outside of the 'master' git dir?