+[2020-06-26T21:41:24Z]sbeyeroprypin: docker is not an option, because it's running on Windows +[2020-06-26T21:41:37Z]oprypinexcuse me what how did i assume docker lol +[2020-06-26T21:42:04Z]oprypinsbeyer, well the thing is how are you gonna clone the job into multiple jobs, you literally cant, that's just not a thing on windows +[2020-06-26T21:42:24Z]oprypinjust install dependencies on all of them, will be so much faster +[2020-06-26T21:43:54Z]sbeyer;-)
Creating a pull request is always allowed, it just cannot be merged.
+[2020-06-27T11:52:18Z]_ganapathi_am using github gh-pages. some post does shows on github.io but some post doesn't shows anything. i don't know how to resolve it. anybody help me on this +[2020-06-27T11:52:47Z]_ganapathi_permalink and all properly included . +[2020-06-27T11:53:25Z]_ganapathi_https://github.com/ganapathichidambaram/ganapathichidambaram.github.io/blob/master/_posts/2017/7/2017-02-28-linux-filesystem.md +[2020-06-27T11:53:39Z]_ganapathi_this post doesn't shows on my URL. +[2020-06-27T11:54:40Z]_ganapathi_like this i have some post doesn't shows. where some post shows properly