latest 13 messages by _ganapathi_

+ [2020-06-27T20:09:11Z] _ganapathi_ how do i configure github webhook sending secret as Authorization: Token
+ [2020-06-27T11:54:40Z] _ganapathi_ like this i have some post doesn't shows. where some post shows properly
+ [2020-06-27T11:53:39Z] _ganapathi_ this post doesn't shows on my URL.
+ [2020-06-27T11:53:25Z] _ganapathi_
+ [2020-06-27T11:52:47Z] _ganapathi_ permalink and all properly included .
+ [2020-06-27T11:52:18Z] _ganapathi_ am using github gh-pages. some post does shows on but some post doesn't shows anything. i don't know how to resolve it. anybody help me on this
+ [2020-06-25T18:17:58Z] _ganapathi_ how can i configure email notification on webhook.
+ [2020-06-25T18:13:39Z] _ganapathi_ is there any possible to send patch file to email using for each commit
+ [2020-06-23T17:22:13Z] _ganapathi_ ok ok. now it's appears. i don't know what's the difference .
+ [2020-06-23T17:16:16Z] _ganapathi_ - image
+ [2020-06-23T17:15:49Z] _ganapathi_ - URL. Repo -
+ [2020-06-23T17:15:03Z] _ganapathi_ anybody pls help me on this to correct
+ [2020-06-23T17:14:49Z] _ganapathi_ am using gh-pages. uploaded images files under images folder. also verified file availability and case sensitive related. but still gh-page not shows images