+[2020-07-02T18:19:55Z]SunRaycerok, I wondered if it were that simple... +[2020-07-02T18:24:55Z]SunRaycerSoliton: very good, that still works, but I'm puzzled why there isn't a gui option to lead me there (at least the first time, so I know). +[2020-07-02T18:31:35Z]i-make-robotsI'm setting up an Action to deploy nightly builds of my maven java project. As a starting point I'm using https://github.com/marketplace/actions/deploy-nightly +[2020-07-02T18:31:52Z]i-make-robotswhich asks for an "asset_path: ./myapp.zip # path to archive to upload" +[2020-07-02T18:32:34Z]i-make-robotsmy project generates a jar file in ./target/name.jar... so I should put that? anyone got experience to help, please?
which asks for an "asset_path: ./myapp.zip # path to archive to upload"
+[2020-07-03T00:41:36Z]pennTellerHi guys, can a github collaborator delete or somehow mess up a repository that he/she have been given access to? +[2020-07-03T01:04:23Z]BtbNIf someone has push access, they can push whatever they feel like, and if not protected against force-push away all commits. +[2020-07-03T08:15:38Z]eugenio_hello, I'm github beginner, I cloned a project and worked a bit with that. Now I made git pull of the project to get the most updated master, but unfortunately I override some files that now I would take a look, is there a way to get back the local file? +[2020-07-03T08:46:45Z]Solitonif you did not commit your changes and told git to overwrite them they're probably gone. +[2020-07-03T09:10:19Z]rmarcandhello guys, whats the best way to find support for GHE ?