+ [2013-05-24T23:27:05Z] phavx listing really all dependencies is always a good thing, espacially since i wanted to make a gentoo-package if i find to like it ;)
+ [2013-05-24T23:27:43Z] phavx but as long as it's not clear why json isn't loaded from the system but from the bundle, that won't happen anyway
+ [2013-05-24T23:28:28Z] phavx for what is json used? f.e. i don't need/want twitter/g+/pin/etc all that stuff. maybe json could be required conditionally only when it's really needed?
+ [2013-05-24T23:33:33Z] phavx life would be so much easier if not everyone would suffer from nih and creates a packagemanager for everything :/
+ [2013-05-24T23:36:26Z] phavx dammit, not even adding require 'rubygems' to every file helps :/

message no. 2154

Posted by phavx in #octopress at 2013-05-24T23:08:35Z

http://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-1.9.3_p429.ebuild?view=markup line #70 plus - leave it as an execercise while i'm fetching a beer, brb
+ [2013-05-25T00:35:26Z] phavx for those who may be interested in what's up and if someone finds a solution, i created a thread on our forums: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-7315404.html
+ [2013-05-25T00:35:35Z] phavx good night all of you
+ [2013-05-25T12:14:20Z] parkr phavx: json is used in the config-tag.rb file
+ [2013-05-25T16:00:21Z] wabash hello
+ [2013-05-25T16:00:30Z] wabash quick question: Can octopress handle comments?