latest 20 messages by phavx

+ [2013-05-25T00:35:35Z] phavx good night all of you
+ [2013-05-25T00:35:26Z] phavx for those who may be interested in what's up and if someone finds a solution, i created a thread on our forums:
+ [2013-05-24T23:36:26Z] phavx dammit, not even adding require 'rubygems' to every file helps :/
+ [2013-05-24T23:33:33Z] phavx life would be so much easier if not everyone would suffer from nih and creates a packagemanager for everything :/
+ [2013-05-24T23:28:28Z] phavx for what is json used? f.e. i don't need/want twitter/g+/pin/etc all that stuff. maybe json could be required conditionally only when it's really needed?
+ [2013-05-24T23:27:43Z] phavx but as long as it's not clear why json isn't loaded from the system but from the bundle, that won't happen anyway
+ [2013-05-24T23:27:05Z] phavx listing really all dependencies is always a good thing, espacially since i wanted to make a gentoo-package if i find to like it ;)
+ [2013-05-24T23:15:56Z] phavx and google fonts, nobody told me that, aaarg, just kidding, i'll remove it anyway
+ [2013-05-24T23:15:34Z] phavx oh, and btw: the html-source of the generated pages is ugly, one should htmltidy that up
+ [2013-05-24T23:14:27Z] phavx but that's still no solution why json isn't picked up in the first place
+ [2013-05-24T23:14:09Z] phavx so as far as the gemfile goes, it's probably correct, wouldn't do harm to add json anyway, though
+ [2013-05-24T23:13:41Z] phavx actually, that's the beauty of gentoo. embedded systems are one of our biggest targets, thus we remove everything/make it optional. so we don't have stuff floating around unneeded, but it's easily available. one command and i've got json back. problem here is to find out
+ [2013-05-24T23:08:35Z] phavx line #70 plus - leave it as an execercise while i'm fetching a beer, brb
+ [2013-05-24T23:06:11Z] phavx yes, libyaml is installed, but i found a source to the problem, mom
+ [2013-05-24T23:02:47Z] phavx ok, so i removed my ~/.gem and the octopress dir, git cloned fresh, bundle install and json isn't installed that way. no to check for the stl
+ [2013-05-24T22:59:27Z] phavx ok, i'll make a test, a moment please
+ [2013-05-24T22:58:21Z] phavx yeah, but do you have it installed anyway already anywhere?
+ [2013-05-24T22:55:13Z] phavx or something in ruby isn't right, you say json is part of the standard lib, but all i find is /usr/lib64/ruby/$ver/psych/json/ - no clue what psych is, but it's obviously not good enough
+ [2013-05-24T22:54:21Z] phavx yeah, just aaaargh. i mean, at least the gemfile is broken missing json
+ [2013-05-24T22:53:12Z] phavx i'm sorry, but that's really fucked up, imho. shouldda stayed with c^^