+ [2013-05-29T22:30:19Z] parkr mojobot, any messages?
+ [2013-05-29T22:30:28Z] parkr mojobot image me inbox zero
+ [2013-05-29T22:30:29Z] mojobot http://scriptionize.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/6a00c2252963c0549d00e39898625c0003.jpg
+ [2013-05-29T22:30:36Z] parkr wut

message no. 2365

Posted by parkr in #jekyll at 2013-05-29T22:30:36Z

+ [2013-05-30T00:31:02Z] parkr mojobot tell RobW_ "paginate" must be an integer value or nil at this point, I think. "paginate: all" means show everything on the one page which defeats the purpose of pagination, really. :)
+ [2013-05-30T00:31:02Z] mojobot @parkr: Sodesu sensei sama!
+ [2013-05-30T00:32:14Z] parkr mojobot tell ghostrocket if you're using jekyll 1.0 or later, just run "jekyll build". before 1.0, running "jekyll --no-server" should build and not serve. :)
+ [2013-05-30T00:32:14Z] mojobot @parkr: Sodesu sensei sama!
+ [2013-05-30T00:32:39Z] parkr Good night, everyone!