+ [2014-07-07T22:24:42Z] Kilian] but I don't want to write an extra webservice. I think I need to read more about hooks in git
+ [2014-07-07T22:24:44Z] jlk then you can run whatever code you want
+ [2014-07-07T22:24:53Z] jlk github won't do any server side hooks
+ [2014-07-07T22:24:59Z] jlk pure git hooks that is
+ [2014-07-07T22:26:03Z] Kilian] hm, thanks for the info.

message no. 27655

Posted by jeffreylevesque in #github at 2014-07-07T01:33:59Z

can someone tell me why there is no reference (no link, solid black) next to my cloned repository 'grunt' - https://github.com/jeff1evesque/audio-analyzer/issues/279?
+ [2014-07-08T00:09:26Z] bigorangemachine Can I get some help with using the git software on windows 8?
+ [2014-07-08T00:43:15Z] abetusk This is a workflow question: I have a pull request. It's from a collaborator and they've made a branch with the code in the same project. I want to use some of what they've done but extend it a bit before I merge into master. What is the proper way to do that? Merge into master, branch, edit and then update? Or is there another way?
+ [2014-07-08T01:40:46Z] barbiegirlMeghan I need help with my friend's github page