latest 14 messages by abetusk

+ [2015-01-24T02:13:50Z] abetusk If I'm in the 'release' branch locally, that will try and merge upstream master into local release branch?
+ [2015-01-24T02:13:31Z] abetusk perhaps 'git merg upstream/master'?
+ [2015-01-24T02:12:39Z] abetusk merge: upstream/release - not something we can merge
+ [2015-01-24T02:12:38Z] abetusk $ git merge upstream/release
+ [2015-01-24T02:10:29Z] abetusk psgs, thank you! I wonder how that got messed up. That should happen automatically when you fork a repository, no?
+ [2015-01-24T02:05:21Z] abetusk origin (push)
+ [2015-01-24T02:05:21Z] abetusk origin (fetch)
+ [2015-01-24T02:05:21Z] abetusk $ git remote -v
+ [2015-01-24T02:02:39Z] abetusk * release 191b3b9 [origin/release] the
+ [2015-01-24T02:02:38Z] abetusk psgps, '$ git branch -vv
+ [2015-01-24T01:57:53Z] abetusk psgs, doing the first step gives me the following error: 'fatal: 'upstream' does not appear to be a git repository'
+ [2015-01-24T01:52:12Z] abetusk psgs, how does it know to merge the upstream master into my release?
+ [2015-01-24T01:45:42Z] abetusk I have a vague process question: I have a repo which I forked. I've since deleted the 'master' branch and made a 'release' branch. I now want to 1) issue a pull request with changes to the original repo and 2) incorporate changes from the original (master branch) repo into my (release branch) repo. Can someone give me a kind of overview of how to do that as painlessly as possible?
+ [2014-07-08T00:43:15Z] abetusk This is a workflow question: I have a pull request. It's from a collaborator and they've made a branch with the code in the same project. I want to use some of what they've done but extend it a bit before I merge into master. What is the proper way to do that? Merge into master, branch, edit and then update? Or is there another way?