+ [2014-07-13T20:35:41Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] createdbypete/jekyll#16 (rubocop/193-encoding) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/createdbypete/jekyll/builds/29843092
+ [2014-07-14T16:43:24Z] Guest81218 https://github.com/alagu/pagoda
+ [2014-07-14T16:43:23Z] Guest81218 hello, has anyone here succeeded in installing pagoda?
+ [2014-07-14T17:02:43Z] Guest81218 guess i'll check back later
+ [2014-07-14T23:43:53Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] alfredxing/jekyll#11 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/alfredxing/jekyll/builds/29935621

message no. 29469

Posted by Guest81218 in #jekyll at 2014-07-14T17:02:43Z

guess i'll check back later
+ [2014-07-15T04:57:03Z] namespace How do I size assets such as images in Jekyll?
+ [2014-07-15T04:57:29Z] namespace (eg. I know the HTML <img> tag lets you size the image.)
+ [2014-07-15T07:18:42Z] namespace "As of this writing, Markdown has no syntax for specifying the dimensions of an image; if this is important to you, you can simply use regular HTML <img> tags."
+ [2014-07-15T07:18:50Z] namespace So it's probably implementation specific.