+ [2014-07-15T15:42:34Z] eip` I followed those steps: http://blog.jmac.org/blog/2013/03/30/putting-twitter-back-into-octopress/
+ [2014-07-15T15:42:52Z] eip` but in my case the twitter thingy appears on bottom of the page, not on the right side
+ [2014-07-15T15:46:35Z] eip` any hint guys?
+ [2014-07-15T16:37:21Z] pontiki learn html/css
+ [2014-07-15T16:53:44Z] eip` thats what im trying to do, but I'd rather solve a problem by learning instead of going over way too much material just to solve a problem

message no. 29610

Posted by eip` in #octopress at 2014-07-15T14:41:19Z

i'll download it and check it out
+ [2014-07-18T16:00:52Z] xeno_ I want to open octopress for outside ip address, as I'm installing on a vbox, and testing from the vbox host.
+ [2014-07-18T17:06:44Z] xeno_ So I want to do something like rake watch
+ [2014-07-18T17:06:51Z] xeno_ But that won't work.
+ [2014-07-22T05:57:53Z] WangWei Who can help me