latest 20 messages by pontiki

+ [2016-10-21T04:04:49Z] pontiki then no idea
+ [2016-10-21T04:02:07Z] pontiki @minddust
+ [2016-10-21T04:01:52Z] pontiki you could maybe ask that person you were looking at, too
+ [2016-10-21T04:00:57Z] pontiki
+ [2016-10-21T04:00:08Z] pontiki there's a jekyll talk forum
+ [2016-10-21T03:50:04Z] pontiki sorry
+ [2016-10-21T03:29:26Z] pontiki
+ [2016-10-21T03:27:59Z] pontiki don't see why it wouldn't
+ [2016-10-21T03:26:40Z] pontiki site.collections | where: "label","my_categories" is not the same as site.my_categories
+ [2016-10-21T03:25:35Z] pontiki i don't really understand why not, though
+ [2016-10-21T03:24:20Z] pontiki i've had problems trying to do something simlar; i don't thing finding the collection want using site.collections works the same as site.my_categories
+ [2016-10-21T03:13:13Z] pontiki share your source, Prit , maybe i'll spot something
+ [2016-10-21T03:08:10Z] pontiki i don't use site.collections, either
+ [2016-10-21T03:06:55Z] pontiki sorry new keygoard