+ [2014-07-16T20:57:00Z] JZA but when I did update it throw me those certificate crap
+ [2014-07-16T21:42:29Z] lxsameer what tool does github uses for its graphs ? is it opensource ?
+ [2014-07-16T23:01:42Z] kaipee how do I push files to my GitHub repo?
+ [2014-07-16T23:20:32Z] Bigpet kaipee: if the remote to your repository is named "origin" then just "git push origin"
+ [2014-07-16T23:20:45Z] Bigpet after you committed them locally

message no. 29706

Posted by basheba in #github at 2014-07-16T06:39:06Z

ok so I'm downloading it now into my Downlaods folder but it made me put in my ssh password. Does everyone else have to have my password to download my program?
+ [2014-07-17T02:14:41Z] Muon did something change with GitHub pages that broke using submodules in them? https://snapapps.github.io/edgy/app/edgy.html was working a month ago and there haven't been any commits since (https://github.com/snapapps/edgy/tree/gh-pages )
+ [2014-07-17T02:20:27Z] Muon welp, making a new commit to force a rebuild fixed it
+ [2014-07-17T08:23:15Z] Nevik pokes VxJasonxV
+ [2014-07-17T09:01:01Z] Nevik VxJasonxV: i found a way to "download" only single folders from github :>