+ [2014-07-16T20:57:00Z] JZA but when I did update it throw me those certificate crap
+ [2014-07-16T21:42:29Z] lxsameer what tool does github uses for its graphs ? is it opensource ?
+ [2014-07-16T23:01:42Z] kaipee how do I push files to my GitHub repo?
+ [2014-07-16T23:20:32Z] Bigpet kaipee: if the remote to your repository is named "origin" then just "git push origin"
+ [2014-07-16T23:20:45Z] Bigpet after you committed them locally

message no. 30073

Posted by Bigpet in #github at 2014-07-16T23:20:32Z

kaipee: if the remote to your repository is named "origin" then just "git push origin"
+ [2014-07-17T02:14:41Z] Muon did something change with GitHub pages that broke using submodules in them? https://snapapps.github.io/edgy/app/edgy.html was working a month ago and there haven't been any commits since (https://github.com/snapapps/edgy/tree/gh-pages )
+ [2014-07-17T02:20:27Z] Muon welp, making a new commit to force a rebuild fixed it
+ [2014-07-17T08:23:15Z] Nevik pokes VxJasonxV
+ [2014-07-17T09:01:01Z] Nevik VxJasonxV: i found a way to "download" only single folders from github :>