+ [2014-07-21T22:20:57Z] dogmatic69 anyone know why my pub key is not working (does for some repos, but not all my repos)
+ [2014-07-21T22:21:13Z] dogmatic69 "fatal: Could not read from remote repository."
+ [2014-07-21T22:21:42Z] dogmatic69 "Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists"
+ [2014-07-21T22:21:56Z] dogmatic69 I am the owner, and I copied the url from the repo page
+ [2014-07-21T22:23:02Z] dogmatic69 gah, nvm I got it working...

message no. 31150

Posted by phantombeta in #github at 2014-07-21T00:14:32Z

+ [2014-07-22T04:27:54Z] kutzu does this work for anyone (with basic auth)? PUT /user/starred/:owner/:repo
+ [2014-07-22T04:28:15Z] kutzu i get 502 bad gateway {"message": "We had issues producing the response to your request. Sorry about that. Please try resubmitting your request and contact us if the problem persists."}
+ [2014-07-22T04:58:24Z] tarkus I thought GitHub Pages is CDN.. but index.html is downloaded in 400-500ms from GitHub Pages as opposed to ~50ms from Amazon CloudFront.. :(
+ [2014-07-22T05:32:57Z] ceej evening.... where did the star/fork count go? ;(
+ [2014-07-22T05:34:08Z] ceej o wow... http://adguard.com/ removes them LOL