latest 6 messages by kutzu

+ [2014-07-27T09:01:33Z] kutzu ty
+ [2014-07-27T09:01:32Z] kutzu ah!
+ [2014-07-27T08:45:03Z] kutzu sort does not seem to do anything
+ [2014-07-27T08:44:45Z] kutzu what's the diff between "sort" and "direction" ?
+ [2014-07-22T04:28:15Z] kutzu i get 502 bad gateway {"message": "We had issues producing the response to your request. Sorry about that. Please try resubmitting your request and contact us if the problem persists."}
+ [2014-07-22T04:27:54Z] kutzu does this work for anyone (with basic auth)? PUT /user/starred/:owner/:repo