+ [2014-07-23T20:53:03Z] gitinfo For bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support
+ [2014-07-23T20:53:03Z] luto !sgc
+ [2014-07-23T21:03:52Z] deiu Hi, is gh-pages broken?
+ [2014-07-23T21:04:24Z] deiu The web pages don't seem to update after my last commits.
+ [2014-07-23T22:03:55Z] gh-status [Green] Codesearch queries are disabled for the time being while we perform maintenance on the cluster.

message no. 31801

Posted by sean_1 in #github at 2014-07-23T07:38:25Z

WHy is that? I don't know a lick of Objective-C (as much as I've love to)
+ [2014-07-24T00:25:49Z] Rstevoa Hi! I have a couple branches that have been merged into master and no longer need to exist. As far as I know, I can simply do a git push origin --delete oldbranch. If I happen to mess this up though, is there any way to recover it?
+ [2014-07-24T00:36:12Z] offby1 Rstevoa: not easily
+ [2014-07-24T00:36:29Z] offby1 Rstevoa: begging github support is probably your only option
+ [2014-07-24T00:37:27Z] skalnik Just keep the branch around if you're worried
+ [2014-07-24T00:37:54Z] offby1 my hunch is that Rstevoa wants the branch gone because it's distracting