latest 6 messages by Rstevoa

+ [2014-10-22T07:30:47Z] Rstevoa VxJasonxV: Thanks!
+ [2014-10-22T06:26:43Z] Rstevoa Yeah. I want to get additions per contributor but one commit included a whole bunch of test data which equated to 4,000,000 additions
+ [2014-10-22T06:01:08Z] Rstevoa How can I get an additions-per-contributor-since-commit statistic from git or github?
+ [2014-07-24T02:23:13Z] Rstevoa Thanks!
+ [2014-07-24T01:30:42Z] Rstevoa offby1: Yeah that's pretty much the case. They're dead branches for development purposes. But I guess if they have been merged I won't lose the commits themselves. So in a worst-case scenario I still have those in the logs right?
+ [2014-07-24T00:25:49Z] Rstevoa Hi! I have a couple branches that have been merged into master and no longer need to exist. As far as I know, I can simply do a git push origin --delete oldbranch. If I happen to mess this up though, is there any way to recover it?