+[2014-07-26T21:38:18Z]eluxim not gonna try it +[2014-07-26T21:38:21Z]eluxjust using firefox for now +[2014-07-26T21:38:37Z]eluxi have to head out. i just wanted to let you know it was happening, but looks like you guys are on top of it +[2014-07-26T21:38:52Z]jssjrok. digicert appears to have had a problem with one of their CA certs not being purged from all OSes +[2014-07-26T23:31:42Z]prometheanfiredon't see a way, but I thought I'd ask just in case - is there a way to monitor a specific file in github (in all branches or specific branches), don't want to monitor the whole repo, too active.
my fix is to change my browser for that period of time
+[2014-07-27T01:10:59Z]honestlydoes anyone here use gist.io? It doesn't seem to work anymore. +[2014-07-27T01:32:52Z]psgsHmmm, gist.io doesn't seem to be working for me either honestly. http://bl.ocks.org/ seems to be working, however. +[2014-07-27T01:33:32Z]psgsYou may be able to open an issue about the service not working at https://github.com/idan/gistio honestly. +[2014-07-27T01:42:57Z]honestlygistio seems abandoned +[2014-07-27T01:43:11Z]honestlyroughdraft exists but it can't do anonymous gists