latest 10 messages by prometheanfire

+ [2016-10-11T16:55:57Z] prometheanfire I have a ipv6 only network that I'm testing some stuff on, is there a way to access github over ipv6?
+ [2015-06-30T16:58:39Z] prometheanfire and recovered, would say thanks, but don't think the person that did so is in channel
+ [2015-06-30T16:44:02Z] prometheanfire it's more the issues I'm worried about
+ [2015-06-30T16:35:29Z] prometheanfire so, just deleted a repo (not the fork) and emailed support@github about it, anything else to do?
+ [2015-04-07T19:38:26Z] prometheanfire I see it for the api, but don't know about 'raw' usage
+ [2015-04-07T19:38:12Z] prometheanfire are there rate limits for auth/clones?
+ [2015-04-07T19:22:57Z] prometheanfire if I'm cloning a ton of repos, could I have a 404 error because of some sort of brute force prevention?
+ [2014-07-28T18:31:56Z] prometheanfire love the new issues page :D:D:D:D:D
+ [2014-07-26T23:31:42Z] prometheanfire don't see a way, but I thought I'd ask just in case - is there a way to monitor a specific file in github (in all branches or specific branches), don't want to monitor the whole repo, too active.