+ [2014-08-08T23:46:59Z] gitinfo Please direct all feature requests to support@github.com to make them heard (feel free to discuss them in here, but that's all off the record)
+ [2014-08-08T23:47:27Z] FrozenFire Yeah, I'll probably send it there. Just wanted to hear if there was an existing way. :)
+ [2014-08-08T23:47:48Z] FrozenFire oAuth does make it substantially easier than how I was usually doing it, but having out-of-band authorization would be even better.
+ [2014-08-08T23:48:35Z] FrozenFire CA keys work for git normally (though not gitlab, apparently). Would be cool to have it for GitHub/gitlab.

message no. 38032

Posted by gitinfo in #github at 2014-08-08T23:46:59Z

Please direct all feature requests to support@github.com to make them heard (feel free to discuss them in here, but that's all off the record)
+ [2014-08-09T00:48:08Z] dD0T Got a few questions: What exactly makes a PR loose its review history? Any force push changing the commits? And related do closed/merged PRs still keep reflecting future changes I make in my source branch? As in does a reset + force push mess up the already closed pull requests if someone accesses it? Thanks.
+ [2014-08-09T00:53:05Z] Epitrope dD0T: to your first question, if people comment on the commits, and you force-push those commits out, then the comments no longer show up in the PR
+ [2014-08-09T00:55:27Z] dD0T Epitrope: Makes sense. Does that keep happening once the PR is merged/closed? Or does it get "frozen"?
+ [2014-08-09T00:55:44Z] Epitrope that I'm not sure about
+ [2014-08-09T00:55:50Z] Epitrope dD0T: you should try it and report back here