+[2014-08-11T23:11:54Z]VxJasonxVI seem to remember learning -- as the delimiter between GETOPT and parameters, in the context of git that doesn't line up +[2014-08-11T23:12:30Z]RemramI wonder what happens if you have a branch name that begins with a dash +[2014-08-11T23:13:27Z]RemramI think the idea is that you can always say the full refs/.../-branchname +[2014-08-11T23:13:31Z]Remramso no additional quoting is required +[2014-08-11T23:14:44Z]Remramthat is not true though, you can have refs directly under .git/
I think the idea is that you can always say the full refs/.../-branchname
+[2014-08-12T00:29:12Z]Sparkhi +[2014-08-12T00:29:28Z]Sparkhow do i escape use of [ ] in an issue? +[2014-08-12T00:29:43Z]Sparki tried [ and 92 +[2014-08-12T00:30:05Z]Sparkhttps://github.com/google/jsonnet/issues/10 +[2014-08-12T00:30:33Z]Sparkmissing line is [if nighttime then "light_brightness" else null]: 100