+[2014-08-13T18:00:11Z]Nevik(because public APIs are cool) +[2014-08-13T18:01:01Z]hdonuh.. ok +[2014-08-13T18:01:26Z]Nevikunless it was obvious, sarcasm was involved +[2014-08-13T18:01:29Z]Nevikthe advice stands though +[2014-08-13T18:01:43Z]hdonthanks
I believe you can close an issue if you created it, but you can't add labels without write access to the repo
+[2014-08-14T13:25:50Z]t3lllhmm no +[2014-08-14T13:25:58Z]t3llli thought that happens automatically +[2014-08-14T13:26:02Z]tobiasvlno +[2014-08-14T13:26:21Z]t3lllnow i fetch with --depth=1 but its still 20k objects :| +[2014-08-14T13:26:55Z]sakhil03I cant see pushed tags at server after pushing it from client