+ [2014-08-30T21:43:17Z] nickname634 Infininight: ah thanks. so it's not public page
+ [2014-08-30T22:57:03Z] kaendfinger
+ [2014-08-30T23:17:02Z] shantanujoshi has anyone used the git2go library ( go bindings for libgit2) to successfully push changes to a remote repo ( say on github ) ?
+ [2014-08-30T23:44:50Z] miczac Hi, in gitk I can see a remotes/origin/master branch some commits earlier. This is a local project. How can I get rid of it? Thanks, m.
+ [2014-08-30T23:55:03Z] miczac miczac: -> git branch -rd origin/master did it for me

message no. 43718

Posted by augur in #github at 2014-08-30T08:08:59Z

yeah but thats cheating
+ [2014-08-31T00:21:04Z] offby1 I'd use "git remote" to remove the entire origin
+ [2014-08-31T01:03:15Z] miczac offby1: I followed this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1072171/how-do-you-remove-an-invalid-remote-branch-reference-from-git
+ [2014-08-31T01:05:07Z] offby1 miczac: if it's not working, I'd just edit .git/config directly. It's pretty straightforward.
+ [2014-08-31T01:05:19Z] offby1 and if that doesn't work, I'd just live with it :)
+ [2014-08-31T01:05:26Z] miczac ;)