+ [2014-09-06T20:07:26Z] KernelCurry I am going to assume that plugins will NOT work with GH pages ?
+ [2014-09-06T20:07:33Z] KernelCurry only the 4 they say that will
+ [2014-09-06T20:17:20Z] pontiki that is correct
+ [2014-09-06T20:18:29Z] pontiki see the first info box on http://jekyllrb.com/docs/plugins/

message no. 46022

Posted by KernelCurry in #jekyll at 2014-09-06T11:43:08Z

Hello everyone. I am having a bit of a problem with Jekyll and GH-Pages ... Everything it working on my machine (local) but when I put it into a repo in Github i can not get to the site ... Am i missing someting? IF somone would take a look and let me know i would be very greatful. It is probably a stupid mistake. REPO: https://github.com/kernelcurry/kernelcurry-site
+ [2014-09-07T08:38:23Z] Moter8 jekyll sure is a strange name.
+ [2014-09-07T19:01:05Z] glendc Hi
+ [2014-09-07T19:01:29Z] glendc i'm creating a plugin to use a custom tag
+ [2014-09-07T19:01:46Z] glendc I parse my string with my parameters correct
+ [2014-09-07T19:01:57Z] glendc but he somehow uses the name of my variable, rather than the value of the variable