+[2014-09-14T20:33:49Z]pingook found the api +[2014-09-14T23:44:23Z]bug_sniper_https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/9003 is there a way to remove the extra commits from a push request after I accidentally used the command "git push origin master"? +[2014-09-14T23:56:15Z]VxJasonxVgit reset, force push +[2014-09-14T23:56:20Z]VxJasonxValso, pull request* +[2014-09-14T23:58:59Z]bug_sniper_VxJasonxV, that didn't remove the commits
+[2014-09-14T23:59:19Z]VxJasonxVwhat did you do? +[2014-09-14T23:59:40Z]bug_sniper_when I followed the instruction here: http://puu.sh/bznon/57be8f6cf4.png +[2014-09-15T00:00:05Z]VxJasonxVyou didn't get rid of the commits +[2014-09-15T00:00:43Z]VxJasonxVyou have to use git reset (and some variety of parameters relevant to your situation) to remove commits, then force push them +[2014-09-15T07:53:23Z]nicolas_FRhello there