+ [2014-09-24T21:33:40Z] kuhruby Hi! I'm using the BlogTheme theme for octopress, and can't get the timestamp to show on new posts. Can someone help me with that?
+ [2014-09-25T18:06:29Z] knackedgary Having trouble getting the date to show up on 3rd party themes. A bit new to both Octopress and Ruby. I tried updating the files with: https://github.com/imathis/octopress/commit/73e540409ceb8bc18048b6a96a4b815fc303ea28
+ [2014-09-25T18:46:36Z] borkdude what will be used for comments if I put comments to true?
+ [2014-09-25T18:46:56Z] borkdude do I have to have a disqus account for it?

message no. 49518

Posted by knackedgary in #octopress at 2014-09-25T18:06:29Z

Having trouble getting the date to show up on 3rd party themes. A bit new to both Octopress and Ruby. I tried updating the files with: https://github.com/imathis/octopress/commit/73e540409ceb8bc18048b6a96a4b815fc303ea28
+ [2014-09-26T11:29:44Z] borkdude when I install octopress on another machine, when I do rake install, I get:
+ [2014-09-26T11:29:57Z] borkdude Error: Cannot find module '/Users/mborkent/Dropbox/dev/octopress/package.json'
+ [2014-09-26T11:30:01Z] borkdude what could this be?
+ [2014-09-26T17:12:22Z] albert_ hi,there
+ [2014-09-26T17:12:36Z] albert_ I am using ubuntu studio 14.04