+[10 years ago]inuoppaiI wonder why such short names are permitted by github +[10 years ago]inuoppaiBesides, the frontpage says: >Use at least one lowercase letter, one numeral, and seven characters. +[10 years ago]inuoppai... then I noticed it was a suggestion +[10 years ago]inuoppaihaha. +[10 years ago]MaciejCzyzewski;-)
+[10 years ago]henriquelengHi, is there a way to push to github withou have an account? +[10 years ago]henriquelengI'm trying to send my contibution to a project in github but it's asking for a github account +[10 years ago]Infininighthenriqueleng: no you need an account +[10 years ago]henriquelengOuh shit +[10 years ago]samlhow can I unwatch all repo from an organisation?