latest 13 messages by inuoppai

+ [2014-09-28T19:59:40Z] inuoppai ... then I noticed it was a suggestion
+ [2014-09-28T19:58:31Z] inuoppai Besides, the frontpage says: >Use at least one lowercase letter, one numeral, and seven characters.
+ [2014-09-28T19:57:42Z] inuoppai I wonder why such short names are permitted by github
+ [2014-09-28T19:56:04Z] inuoppai MaciejCzyzewski: Not bad.
+ [2014-09-28T19:54:31Z] inuoppai That's you?
+ [2014-09-28T19:50:53Z] inuoppai here I come.
+ [2014-09-28T19:45:56Z] inuoppai Yeap. Okay. But I guess my chances are high on this one.
+ [2014-09-28T19:45:26Z] inuoppai Oh, cool. Thanks.
+ [2014-09-28T19:42:26Z] inuoppai The one I have in mind has 0 activity since registration and it's been so for two years.
+ [2014-09-28T19:42:04Z] inuoppai What qualitfies for an account to be inactive?
+ [2014-09-28T19:41:57Z] inuoppai About github's namesquatting policy, could I get the name of an inactive account for myself?
+ [2014-09-12T02:05:32Z] inuoppai "# 2"?