+[2014-10-10T22:48:57Z]thoraxeaha!@ +[2014-10-10T23:41:36Z]gitinfo[!fork_sync] You can read a nice guide on how to update your fork with the upstream repository here: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork +[2014-10-10T23:41:36Z]VxJasonxV!sync +[2014-10-10T23:41:39Z]VxJasonxVthoraxe: ^ +[2014-10-10T23:44:07Z]VxJasonxVbasically the same info, naturally
thibaultcha, my question was a little bit different
+[2014-10-11T00:48:24Z]disappearedhm, n00b question. Where can i find repos that i starred lol +[2014-10-11T00:49:08Z]disappearednm found it finally…took 2 minutes haha +[2014-10-11T00:49:12Z]disappearedweird +[2014-10-11T01:06:54Z]disappearednot so sure it should be under explore….should be under uer profile +[2014-10-11T01:07:48Z]thibaultchait is in your profile.