+[2014-10-12T23:00:42Z]__rlpI just changed the name of the repo +[2014-10-12T23:00:50Z]VxJasonxVyou changed the name of explore-flask? +[2014-10-12T23:00:55Z]__rlpno rpicard.github.io +[2014-10-12T23:00:58Z]VxJasonxVah +[2014-10-12T23:01:13Z]__rlpstopped using gh pages, just using it as a source repo now
I've gotten two errors at the SSL-or-lower level
+[2014-10-13T01:44:00Z]and-Hi... i am new to git... can anyone help me to send a pull request via terminal.... +[2014-10-13T01:44:53Z]and-???? +[2014-10-13T01:45:31Z]and-No one here to help??? +[2014-10-13T01:47:22Z]VxJasonxVand-: https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#create-a-pull-request +[2014-10-13T08:00:21Z]IP92Hey, eclipse push isn't pushing library JAR files, how can i make it work?