latest 14 messages by o11c

+ [2014-10-12T19:11:25Z] o11c whereas I'm guessing your local branch is just 'master'
+ [2014-10-12T19:11:16Z] o11c but it's recommended to always give your remote branches meaningful names
+ [2014-10-12T19:11:06Z] o11c if localbranch and remotebranch are the same you can just specify the name once
+ [2014-10-12T19:10:49Z] o11c then 'git push neokhazer localbranch:remotebranch"
+ [2014-10-12T19:10:30Z] o11c then run 'git remote add neokhazer ssh://'
+ [2014-10-12T19:10:06Z] o11c neokhazer: what you need to do *now* is click the fork button on github if you haven't already
+ [2014-10-12T19:09:41Z] o11c neokhazer: IMO it's actually recommended to clone the original repo and then push to a second one
+ [2014-10-12T19:09:26Z] o11c neokhazer: sure, no problem
+ [2014-10-12T01:11:20Z] o11c seems to be working again
+ [2014-10-12T01:05:30Z] o11c /search/issues?q=repo%3Athemanaworld%2Ftmwa-server-data+type%3Apr+state%3Aopen+label%3Atest
+ [2014-10-12T01:05:28Z] o11c requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:
+ [2014-10-12T01:05:24Z] o11c requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 8] _ssl.c:504: EOF occurred in violation of protocol
+ [2014-10-12T01:04:46Z] o11c I've gotten two errors at the SSL-or-lower level
+ [2014-10-12T01:03:45Z] o11c is there something wrong with the API server?